Thursday, February 25, 2010

Linssed oil makes the oil paint thinner or thicker?what about that added?why?

Linseed oil isn't just used to thin the paint, but to make the paint stay wet longer. It's the oil that dries, not the pigment (colour).

All-purpose turps IS used to clean, but your best using turps sub: a less harmfull alternative that won't destroy your brushes.

Artist's Turpentine is used also to thin paint, but does so by breaking the chemical bond between the pigment and the oil, making it dry faster but also bleaching out the colour slightly.

If you want to know more, just go to

TomLinssed oil makes the oil paint thinner or thicker?what about that added?why?
linseed to thin

turpentine to cleanLinssed oil makes the oil paint thinner or thicker?what about that added?why?
ive been having linseed oil everyday. lost weight, improved my skin!

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