Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What do I set my Nikon D40 to in order to take a photo of an oil painting?

What should I set my fstops etc. to in order to get the best photo of an oil painting? (i.e. least glare and gleam from the oil?)What do I set my Nikon D40 to in order to take a photo of an oil painting?
Your apeture size and shutter speed won't effect the glare from oil. The amount of fill flash used will dictate the level of glare. If using an add-on flash have it set to the lowest level possible to allow for a proper exposure.What do I set my Nikon D40 to in order to take a photo of an oil painting?
Paintings from Photo


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Painting from Photo, photo to painting, photo painting



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It depends on the light source. Pros use at least two lights, each at 45 degrees to the painting. If you don't have lights, the goal is to get even, un-contrasty light on the artwork -- an overcast day, for instance. On a day like that, I'd set the color-balance to ';cloudy'; and set the camera to 'Program -- assuming the painting has a range of tones, not all darks or lights. Try to get the lens ';square'; to the surface of the painting, not at an angle. And shoot several pictures. A photo-editing program like Photoshop would help with cropping. (Irfan is a free editing program).
You didn't say if it was YOUR oil painting. If so, the other posters are right on. If it's at a gallery or museum and you're using on-camera flash, move off-axis from the center to reduce flash glare. (make sure you ask permission when photographing in a museum; some allow it, some don't)

You have to adjust the painting or your location to reduce glare. If you can't do either, then you might try a polarizing lens and see if adjusting that will take off the glare as it does on water.
Don't use your flash over time the harsh strobe will ruin the painting. Use avaiable light or buy lamps designed to showcase paintings.

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